Are You BORED Of Eating The Same 'Healthy' Meals Night After Night And STILL Not Losing Weight?

There IS An Easier And More Enjoyable Way To Shed The Pounds And Look Like You Used To

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well"

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What People Are Saying:

Samantha Law Samantha Law, Full Time Domestic Goddess & Mum To Imogen

When I look at healthy foods I think that they will be boring and tasteless. These recipes are indulging and filling!

Emily Dawson Emily Dawson, Full Time Child Minder (Emily's Acorns) & Mum To Florence

These recipes are fantastic.  They are great to make with the children I look after and are a great way to teach them about healthy eating.  I'm losing weight at the same time - what a result!

Take A Glimpse Inside The Book

4 Important Things You'll Learn

  • 1.

    Healthy eating does not mean boring, flavourless food. The recipes in the book will show you how to add amazing flavour without adding calories.

  • 2.

    Home cooked food doesn't have to take hours of preparation and cooking. These recipes are all quick enough to be completed in less than 30 minutes.

  • 3.

    How to easily count calories if you want to, allowing you to make small, simple changes to your diet if you're not seeing the progress you want.

  • 4.

    How to still eat what you might label as 'bad' foods and still shed the fat, feel amazing and look great.

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About Me

What's that in the picture? Ice Cream?!?

Surely a fitness professional should be promoting vegetables?

Well the biggest reason people fail with their diets is that they are unnecessarily restrictive and BORING.

I want to show you that you can lose weight while eating foods you enjoy (although maybe in SLIGHTLY smaller portions).

At 6ft 2 I can hide fat well but believe me, I know what it's like to struggle with weight.  I spent a long time being 'skinny fat'.

Bouts of super healthy eating or ultra starvation followed all out binges.  I was neither healthy nor happy.

The recipes in the book all have calorie values to help you keep track of what you're eating.  Simply add them up at the end of each day or week, see how you've done against your target and adjust for the following day \ week - SIMPLE!

Dieting should be a sustainable lifestyle, not 2 weeks of crazy, restrictive eating.

I want you to feel fit, healthy and HAPPY.  My cook book will help you achieve this.

Bon Appetite!