Want to Beat the Christmas Bulge Once and For All?

Then grab your copy of The Festive Fat Loss Food Guide now and make this festive season your slimmest (and tastiest) yet.

Do you struggle with weight gain over Christmas?

You promise yourself that this year, things will be different:

That you’ll try and abstain from the alcohol.

That buffets will be moderate affairs.

And you’ll avoid second helpings of pudding?

Yet, when the time comes, the pressure’s on, and everyone’s gathered together, things change.

Moderation goes out the window, and you end up feeling stuffed, bloated and guilty.

Sure, the food’s nice, but come January, you wish you hadn’t gone quite so overboard, as that extra weight is so much harder to shift, and you commit yourself to another year of slogging it out on the treadmill, taking 2 months to drop the fat that Father Christmas brought with him.

How about if things were different this year?


I’m not talking about being boring, eating tasteless meals, or picking at a salad while everyone else tucks into turkey and all the trimmings.

Instead, why not eat tasty, tantalising festive meals that fit with your healthy eating plan, and don’t even feel like “diet food.”


In The Festive Fat Loss Food Guide you’ll find 45 recipes that the whole family will enjoy this Christmas.

Being a busy, health-conscious parent myself, I knew I had to make every single meal

  • Easy to prepare and cook
  • Suitable for every member of the family, from toddlers right up to Grandmas and Grandads.
  • Tasty
  • Fit in with the Christmas theme – you won’t find any chicken breast and broccoli meals in here!


In fact, we’ve got healthy & exciting alternatives to –

  • Party snack foods
  • Pate's
  • Boozy treats
  • Leftover recipe's
  • and much more...


To get your copy now, priced at only £2.99 click below.


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I promise you, this year, not only will you avoid the bloat, the binging and the guilt, you’ll also –

  • Get slimmer
  • Drop pounds
  • Please the whole family
  • Keep in the festive spirit
  • Have the whole family wondering how on earth you made “diet food” so tasty.

… and start the New Year your fittest, sexiest and lightest ever.

So there’s no need to hop on that treadmill come January 2nd.

You really CAN have your Christmas cake and eat it.


Click below to invest in your copy today.



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