5 Ways To A Faster 5k

You started on the couch and now you can run 5k – awesome effort. But you’re not happy to just stop there are you? You are already thinking about how to get faster and faster again in your next races. You;ve almost certainly now got the running bug and are hell bent on improving your…

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How to out run the ageing process

Running can be damn useful. You could out run an angry bear, make that train without soaking your shirt with nasty sweat patches or even keep up with your overly energetic kids. The one thing we’d all like to be able to do is outrun the ageing process. With age comes wisdom apparently but there’s…

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A runner’s guide to motivation

Motivation. The NO.1 answer when I ask new clients what it is they most need my help with. Motivation is a strange and curious being. Very few people understand it, virtually no one has it mastered. There are plenty of people that have developed robust systems, routines and habits to help them achieve their goal…

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No Time To Weight – How Body Weight Affects Running Performance

By now you already know you should be doing weight training, long runs, speed work etc, don’t you? Whether you DO them or not is another matter… But do you find that all too often your run still feels like a mammoth slog after just a few hundred metres and you want to give up?…

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How To Swap Gut Distress For Personal Bests

It takes real guts to push yourself into getting fitter & faster.  But failing to look after your gut could lead you to be caught short in your PB attempt – literally. Your digestive system plays a huge role in maintaining you at peak performance and when abused you’ll certainly know all about it. Stomach…

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I can tell you with some certainty what your next injury is going to be.  I may not know you or have ever seen you running but I already know with a high degree of probability what’s going to leave you cursing and crawling the walls. There’s nothing worse than an injury……..unless it’s an injury…

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