Who Cares Why You Want To Lose Weight

Seriously, WHO cares? Weight loss has nothing to do with the number on the scale but sadly that’s often what people focus and even obsess over. Over time it’s easy to lose focus about some arbitrary number that has no emotion attached to it. Then you get some people that have a WHY for losing…

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Why Starting Tomorrow Never Works For Weight Loss Diets

Why Starting Tomorrow Never Works For Weight Loss Diets   Every diet starts on a Monday, it’s like science. I mean why would you start on any other day? Unfortunately for most people, no matter what walk of life they’re from, what job they do or what their goal is, tomorrow never comes. There will…

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A runner’s guide to motivation

Motivation. The NO.1 answer when I ask new clients what it is they most need my help with. Motivation is a strange and curious being. Very few people understand it, virtually no one has it mastered. There are plenty of people that have developed robust systems, routines and habits to help them achieve their goal…

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How is the gym some people’s “second home” – when it feels like an ALIEN PLANET to you?

How is the gym some people’s “second home” – when it feels like an ALIEN PLANET to you? (Discover what those people know….)   Nobody is born knowing exactly what to do in a gym (despite what some blokes would have you think!) The truth is, everyone learns it from someone else. If that gap…

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5 Ways To Prevent Dying Of Boredom At The Gym

5 Ways To Prevent Dying Of Boredom At The Gym   Getting yourself down to the gym can do SO much for your body, mind, and self-confidence. But some women avoid it (even if they know the facts). Why have you been avoiding the gym? Is it fear of the unknown, or worrying that you’ll…

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You’re Just Lazy

It’s no secret that to achieve what you want in terms of health & fitness you need to work hard. But there’s more to it than that, you also need consistency and resilience. Hard work means pushing yourself in sessions which some people find hard but it is by far not their biggest downfall. Even…

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Stop Believing Your Own Excuses – Ben’s Story

Do you have a busy life? Is work stressful? Then you need to read about Ben. Ben looks just like a normal guy (albeit incredibly good looking). But Ben’s job is busier than busy. If he’s not travelling then he’s in the office……. A LOT! Not a bit, but A LOT! He’s hugely successful in…

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Why I Looked Like Sh*t And How It Can Help You

For someone that has always struggled with confidence about they way they look this picture was hard to take and even harder to share but I need to start reaching out and helping more people. Do you ever wake up feeling as bad as I look? As much as each person is different, we are…

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There’s More To Life Than Looking Good – My Client’s 20 Year Struggle

It’s not always about your weight or your waist measurement. Yes – 95% of my clients want to look better in clothes, when naked, when they walk into a room or when someone looks at them and we do achieve that. But today I want to tell you a story about one of my newest…

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