Who Cares Why You Want To Lose Weight

Seriously, WHO cares? Weight loss has nothing to do with the number on the scale but sadly that’s often what people focus and even obsess over. Over time it’s easy to lose focus about some arbitrary number that has no emotion attached to it. Then you get some people that have a WHY for losing…

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How is the gym some people’s “second home” – when it feels like an ALIEN PLANET to you?

How is the gym some people’s “second home” – when it feels like an ALIEN PLANET to you? (Discover what those people know….)   Nobody is born knowing exactly what to do in a gym (despite what some blokes would have you think!) The truth is, everyone learns it from someone else. If that gap…

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The Great British Blame Game

Do you have a saggy bottom? ( I know it should be ‘soggy bottom’ but we won’t get into that). It seems that Paul & Mary have a lot to answer for right now.  Not only are they encouraging you and your family to eat ALL THE CAKE but they are forcing you to sit…

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You’re Just Lazy

It’s no secret that to achieve what you want in terms of health & fitness you need to work hard. But there’s more to it than that, you also need consistency and resilience. Hard work means pushing yourself in sessions which some people find hard but it is by far not their biggest downfall. Even…

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Stop Believing Your Own Excuses – Ben’s Story

Do you have a busy life? Is work stressful? Then you need to read about Ben. Ben looks just like a normal guy (albeit incredibly good looking). But Ben’s job is busier than busy. If he’s not travelling then he’s in the office……. A LOT! Not a bit, but A LOT! He’s hugely successful in…

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Why Letting Yourself Down Is Good For You

You know those days where you know you’re in a bad mood but have no desire to do anything about it? Well it happens so all of us and sometimes we enjoy it.  Misery loves company and all that On one such occasion I was in what I call a total ‘funk’ (bad mood, mental…

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How To Kick Monday In The Balls

MONDAY’S TOTALLY SUCK At least that’s how I often used to see them. There was one in particular that really stick in my mind though. The buses were all messed up, I was 30 minutes late to work as a result and I had injured my wrist doing DIY (the decorating kind) at the weekend.…

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Talk Your Way To A Better Body

I have been helping a guy in the gym where I work and he has been really struggling with the anxiety of being in the gym environment. He’s in good condition, is really nice & friendly but just hates being in large groups as he feels self conscious. He feels like he’s being watched, judged and that…

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Look Better Naked By Training Your Mind

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be all hippy dippy, it’s just about being aware of your habits, your behaviours and your actions. By being aware or ‘mindful’ of your emotions and actions you can begin to see if they are helping you or hindering you in moving closer to your goals and then it gives you…

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Why I Looked Like Sh*t And How It Can Help You

For someone that has always struggled with confidence about they way they look this picture was hard to take and even harder to share but I need to start reaching out and helping more people. Do you ever wake up feeling as bad as I look? As much as each person is different, we are…

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